In this web 2 and 3.0 age, if you are not focussing on adding interactive features to your website. It's easy to guess the kind of results you are getting, your site will always be boring and average without any interaction. Let me show you what you can do to make your site interesting.
3 Ways To Make Your Website Interactive
1. Add A Discussion Forum To Your Website - This not only helps add interaction to your website, this has an overall effect of attracting visitors to your site. As the number of members in your forum grows, so does the value and weight of your website in general. You can easily implement different ways to make money with a discussion forum. Here are some.10 Steps - Traffic
When traffic grows you can add a private paid area in your forum which is restricted only to paid members. You can also promote different offers and products in the forum. Since you are the owner of the forum, nobody is going to dislike your promos. In fact they are going to happily buy whatever you promote. You can even sell advertising space in the forum.
2. Add A Blog To Your Site - A blog is an indispensable part of any website. The number of blogs added everyday is just explosive. There are lots of interactive features than can be added to a blog. First of all blogs have the comments and rating functionality. If you have huge number of visitors, it's not at all tough to get huge number of comments and discussions on any of your blog posts.
The advantage of having these discussion is that anyone that end up viewing your posts and discussions will be tempted to join and make a comment. Because of this, they'll be bookmarking your site to see how people are reacting to their comments and thus easily attracting more visitors.
3. Add a guest book to your site. A guest book just lets your website visitors say all sorts of good things about you and your website. This easily helps position you as an expert in your niche. Anyone who looks at the positive comments will be having a good image about you and your recommendations. This in turn helps you make more traffic, money and sales by Creating Your Own Software
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